
water drop photo credit roegger

After two decades in the making, welcome to what has become a very special labor of love – Blog With Derick…

Through my own journey, I’ve come to realize that our own development and transformation not only leads to greater personal fulfillment, better performance, and increased well-being but when this same process is undertaken by groups, organizations, and the very systems that our society runs on, it can create a better world for us all.

The blog format is new for me.  I’m more accustomed to sharing one-on-one or in smaller group settings where there can be deep connection and conversations.  However, I’m feeling that now’s the time to make a splash and create some waves!

I’m ready to stretch beyond my comfort zone and share more openly and directly.  Through my posts, I hope to inspire and support those who feel ready to clarify their vision and step into their calling so they can create some positive impact in our world, and of course do it with “heart.”  As Steve Jobs said, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.”

So how will this blog work?

I’ll try to keep things simple by doing micro-posts that only cover one topic at a time.  Occasionally, I may do connecting posts that show how these topics link together as an approach or theme, while I imagine many readers will make meaningful connections for themselves. 

Please take whatever resonates to help you in discovering and nurturing your own unique purpose.  If something is unclear or you have a question or a different experience, please share!  As a perpetual student, I love to learn and am always open to new perspectives and solutions.  

What I share is from my experiences and personal aha moments, but I’m sure there’s a larger picture with others holding different pieces, which I’m excited to uncover.  This blog is like a traveler’s journal written by an explorer who is bringing to light what a better today can look like.  I have faced and overcome many obstacles along my path and hope to create a humble roadmap – as imperfect as it may be – to help fellow journeyers enjoy a smoother ride.

I look forward to meeting you, hearing your feedback and exploring your questions and comments.  Mostly, I look forward to building a better future together.


The Key to Thriving in a VUCA World